
System environment variables

  • CONFIG_B64_ENCRYPTION_KEY: 32 character AES key used to encrypt project configuration. Must be set.
  • APPLICATION_TITLE: Name of instance (default Convier App)
  • SERVER_PORT: Port for the java server (default 14445)
  • PUBLIC_URL: Public url (with protocol) for the server
  • RELATIVE_PATH: When running on a non-root path, set this parameter (without trailing path)

  • JDBC_CONNECTION_STRING: JDBC connection url for where internal project configuration and user-added data (objects, properties, links) are stored
  • JDBC_USERNAME: Username for internal database (optional)
  • JDBC_PASSWORD: Password for internal database (optional)

  • INTERNAL_AUDIT_LOG: Wether to store audit logs to internal database. Default: false

  • OIDC_CONFIGURATION_ENDPOINT: URL to the .well-known configuration for OIDC provider
  • OIDC_CLIENT_ID: Client ID for Convier app in OIDC provider
  • OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET: Client ID for Convier app in OIDC provider
  • OIDC_SCOPES: Scopes to authenticate user with
  • OIDC_USER_ID_CLAIMS: Sorted by preference list of claims can hold user id
  • OIDC_NAME_CLAIMS: Sorted by preference list of claims can hold user’s name

  • SEARCH_PAGE_SIZE: Page size for analytic computation

  • PYROSCOPE_URL: Enable continuous profiling by setting the full URL to a pyroscope instance. Default empty/disabled.
  • PYROSCOPE_APP_NAME: Name of app in pyroscope tracking. Default “convier”

  • FEATURE_FLAGS: Comma separated list of non-standard functionality to enable. See Feature flags

  • TELEMETRY_APP_ID: Optional report basic information and statistics about the instance (no data)